Padmé had several meetings in the morning with various officials and palace employees, and when Panaka announced it was time for the final meeting of the afternoon, Padmé hadn’t slipped out of her role.

In hindsight, perhaps she should not have met Tsabin for the first time as the Queen.

For a taste of the royal intrigue it contains, read on for an exclusive excerpt… Star Wars: Queen’s Peril will be released as a hardcover by Disney Lucasfilm Press June 2. Queen’s Peril sees her at the very beginning of that.” And that means a lot someone who gets up in the morning and tries to their best to change the world. Every day, she gets up and she fights back against the darkness. As her story turns more and more bleak, she keeps fighting. “The thing about Padmé is that we always knew she was doomed,” Johnston said in a statement about the new book. This new book is a prequel to Shadow, which focused on the character’s transition from queen of Naboo to member of the Galactic Senate. The $17.99 novel sees author EK Johnston return to the prequel era of her earlier novel, the New York Times best-seller Queen’s Shadow, to continue to build out the character of Padmé Amidala, the woman who would one day become the mother of Luke and Leia Skywalker. The Hollywood Reporter has a sneak peek at what lies in store for the future bride of Anakin Skywalker. “Disney+’s revival of The Clone Wars might have brought a piece of Star Wars history back to life for a certain demographic of the fanbase, but this summer sees a more in-depth return to the days of the Galactic Republic with the release of Star Wars: Queen’s Peril, a young adult novel focusing on the teenaged queen of Naboo.